What’s the point of shooting 365 photos for a year?

Creativity vacillates between dopamine-fueled highs and soul-sucking lows. That’s what makes it so fun and terrifying. It’s not for everybody. People write all these blog posts about how to be creative, I assume, for the folks who are already creative but are currently living on the soul-sucking half of the wave and need someone to tell them how to be creative all. day.… Read more →
The first six months of my photo project have changed the way I approach photography, both technically and artistically. But there’s more time to talk about that in the next few months. For now, let’s just all enjoy a bunch of photos from 2016.
For those of you just joining me, a quick recap: I’m shooting one photo a day on film. The goal is to photograph my life experiencing Reno and to get the photos displayed in a gallery at the end of it. The project started July 1, 2016 and will end June 30, 2017. Here’s a link to the #NoFilter blog tag to read more.
There are only 26 out of 216 pictures here. Think of what you’re missing out on.
In November, a new photographic theme emerged: repeated shapes and revisited narratives. In November, I changed my approach and it illuminated new ways to capture images. But I couldn’t have done that without October. November marks the fifth month of my 365 photo a day on film project that started July 1. On June 30, 2017, I will take my last photo.… Read more →
Taking one photo a day on film for 365 days is an emotional roller coaster. But I’ve learned a few lessons so far. Lesson 1: It’s OK to suck Some days, snapping a fantastic moment or meeting an amazing person is deeply rewarding. Some days, I cannot wait to drive around town to find one great shot. Other days I’ve been writing news… Read more →
When I tell people I’m taking one photo a day on film for 365 days, I get a lot of the same questions. So here’s the answers that all seven of you are dying to know. 😉 1. Are you developing and printing your own film? No. I never developed my own film despite opportunities to take classes in high school… Read more →
What did I just get myself into? On July 1, I started taking one photo a day on film. I will continue taking a photo a day until June 30, 2017. My goal is to tell the story of life in Reno over the course of 365 days. But, maybe I’ll only end up telling the story of where I’ve been and… Read more →