Creativity vacillates between dopamine-fueled highs and soul-sucking lows. That’s what makes it so fun and terrifying. It’s not for everybody. People write all these blog posts about how to be creative, I assume, for the folks who are already creative but are currently living on the soul-sucking half of the wave and need someone to tell them how to be creative all. day.… Read more →
The first six months of my photo project have changed the way I approach photography, both technically and artistically. But there’s more time to talk about that in the next few months. For now, let’s just all enjoy a bunch of photos from 2016.
For those of you just joining me, a quick recap: I’m shooting one photo a day on film. The goal is to photograph my life experiencing Reno and to get the photos displayed in a gallery at the end of it. The project started July 1, 2016 and will end June 30, 2017. Here’s a link to the #NoFilter blog tag to read more.
There are only 26 out of 216 pictures here. Think of what you’re missing out on.
Best of 2016
A Vision of Christmas. Photo by Mike HigdonNathan and Sarah working together at the RGJ. Photo by Mike HigdonThis is so Reno. Photo by Mike HigdonWhat happens when you cross a tree with the Star of David? Photo by Mike HigdonI see stars…for one eighth of a second. Photo by Mike HigdonJason Bean and I trying out Midtown Tacos. He posed because he’s an asshole. Apparently it’s a Napoleon Dynamite reference, but it looks good anyway. Photo by Mike HigdonOn Election Day, I took a picture of a red stop signal on a traffic light to represent the GOP win. Photo by Mike HigdonOn the front lawn of the IGT-Mathewson Knowledge Center at UNR, Mischell Riley’s DaVinci head from Burning Man now has a new place to rest. Photo by Mike HigdonI found a woman hiding in an empty jungle gym near Renown hospital. It turned out her boyfriend was in the hospital for surgery and he told her he was going to die today so, in a fit of anger and sadness, she left him in his room. When she told me this, she started crying because she also felt guilty for leaving him. She talked a little more before I snapped two photos of her her saddened face. She thanked me for coming up to the jungle gym and asking her about her day. We sat together in the playground for a while before I eventually left.
Some days I take pictures of blurry ducks and other days I take pictures of souls. This project has taken me places I never imagined. Photo by Mike HigdonFollowed by the beautiful shapes of indoor plants. Photo by Mike Higdon.The beautiful shapes of winter. Photo by Mike Higdon.A series of flags set out on the lawn of the Joe Crowley Student Union at UNR. Photo by Mike Higdon.A discard photo: Beautiful fall trees. Photo by Mike Higdon.Great glasses. Photo by Mike HigdonPeople play in the Truckee River. Photo by Mike HigdonAt The Generator, an art space dominated by Burning Man artists, Mischell Riley shows off her DaVinci head models. The models helped her pay for and build the full-sized Burning Man exhibit. Photo by Mike HigdonAurelia Holman avoiding Cali hunting for hot dogs. Photo by Mike HigdonAmalie on the floor of Old World Coffee playing with keys that her father keeps throwing around. Photo by Mike HigdonWASH ME | NO. Nevada doesn’t take kindly to your cleanliness. Photo by Mike HigdonThese hot dogs sticking out of a bin at Street Vibrations are cooler than all of us. Photos by Mike Higdon.Issa pulls into Trader Joe’s parking lot with Max and Nilly. Issa immigrated from Jordan in August 1996 and soon became homeless. He had a job and life again until 10 days ago. Photo by Mike HigdonKayla sits in front of the Lucky Motel on Fourth Street. “Just hustling, trying to make some money,” she said. Photo by Mike HigdonAfternoon light through the RGJ lobby. Photo by Mike HigdonJack sits on his Harley Davidson motorcycle behind Junkee Clothing Exchange. Joe C. Rock’s newest murals is behind him. Photo by Mike HigdonBlack mannequin on the ground in front of Simple Ice Cream Sandwiches and Visionary while Joe C. Rock paints the asphalt with Battle Born Nevada, construction workers build the Visionary and Jessica Schneider watches in the background. Photo by Mike HigdonA dog barks at passersby while standing on an old car in a backyard on Lakeside Drive. Photo by Mike HigdonFrank Manfredonia, a TEC Equipment parts specialist helps Kayla Blackwell, artist at Invictus Tattoo Studio, in the parking lot of a 7-11 on Wells and Second streets. Photo by Mike HigdonPeople playing a game of pool inside Shea’s Tavern. Photo by Mike Higdon.My Election Day selfie using multiple mirrors and a desk lamp. Photo by Mike Higdon.I waded into the Truckee River, almost falling, to photograph the “Hobo Artist’s” rock people. Photo by Mike HigdonMark Estee makes a face at me before coming into Old World Coffee for a meeting. Photo by Mike Higdon
In November, a new photographic theme emerged: repeated shapes and revisited narratives. In November, I changed my approach and it illuminated new ways to capture images. But I couldn’t have done that without October. November marks the fifth month of my 365 photo a day on film project that started July 1. On June 30, 2017, I will take my last photo.… Read more →
Taking one photo a day on film for 365 days is an emotional roller coaster. But I’ve learned a few lessons so far. Lesson 1: It’s OK to suck Some days, snapping a fantastic moment or meeting an amazing person is deeply rewarding. Some days, I cannot wait to drive around town to find one great shot. Other days I’ve been writing news… Read more →
When I tell people I’m taking one photo a day on film for 365 days, I get a lot of the same questions. So here’s the answers that all seven of you are dying to know. 😉 1. Are you developing and printing your own film? No. I never developed my own film despite opportunities to take classes in high school… Read more →